2014年3月4日 星期二

[Echo] Mitral stenosis

Mitral stenosis - severity

Recommendations for classification of mitral stenosis severity
Specific findings
Valve area (cm2)less than 1.o1.0-1.5more than 1.5
Supportive findings
Mean gradient (mmHg)aless than 55-10more than 10
Pulmonary artery pressure (mmHg)less than 3030-50more than 50
  • At heart rates between 60 and 80 bpm and in sinus rhythm.

測量MS Seveity的三大指標:
(1) Pressure gradient 
       - diastolic pressure gradient
       - "mean" mitral gradient
       - transmitral velocity flow curve (CW  is preferred)
(2) MVA Planimetry
      - direct tracing of the mitral orifice, including opened commissures
      - parasternal short-axis view
(3) Pressure half-time
     -  T1/2 單位:  milliseconds (ms)
     -  MVA = 220 / T1/2

Wilkins score:

Cormier score:


2014年2月4日 星期二

Xarelto (Rivaroxaban)

.Rivaroxaban (如Xarelto)_健保局
拜瑞妥膜衣錠 (Xarelto Film-coated Tablet) 醫療科技評估報告

1. 靜脈血栓高危險(符合下列條件之一)病患,接受人工髖或膝關節置換術或再置換術時,預防其術後之靜脈血栓栓塞症(VTE),限用 10 mg錠劑,每日一粒,人工髖關節手術
術後治療,最多 5 週;人工膝關節手術術後治療,最多 2 週:(102/2/1)
(2) 經 靜 脈 超 音 波 檢 查 ( Venous ultrasonography )、 靜 脈 攝 影(Venography)或血中 D-dimer 檢測,診斷為靜脈血栓症之病患。

 2.非瓣膜性心房纖維顫動病患,限用 15 mg 及 20mg 錠劑且須符合下列條件之一:(102/2/1)
 (2)左心室射出分率小於 40%。
 (3)有症狀之心臟衰竭:收案前依紐 約心臟協會衰竭功能分級為第二  級或以上。
 (4)年齡 75 歲(含)以上。
 (5)年齡介於 65 歲至 74 歲且合併有糖 尿病、高血壓或冠狀動脈疾病。
     Ⅰ    病人曾有嚴重心臟瓣膜疾病。
     Ⅱ   14 天內發生中風。
     Ⅲ  收案前的 6 個月內發生嚴重中 風。
     Ⅳ 有增加出血風險的情況。
     Ⅴ  肌酸酐清除率小 30 mL/min。
     Ⅵ 活動性肝病和懷孕。

 (1)併用藥物:本品不建議使用在同時接受 azole-antimycotics (例如:
 ketoconazole)或 HIV 蛋白酶抑制劑(例如: ritonavir)全身性治療的病患,
 這些藥物皆是 CYP3A4 和 P-gp 的強效性抑制劑,可能會提高 rivaroxaban
 的血中濃度(平均 2.6 倍)至有臨床意義的程度,可能會增加出血的風險。
 (4)一般劑量治療於體重<50 bmi="" kg="" m2="" p=""> (5)賦形劑:Xarelto 含有乳糖。患有罕見遺傳疾病,包括:半乳糖不耐症、
 Lapp 乳糖酶缺乏症或葡萄糖-半乳糖吸收不良者不應服用本藥。

 消化不良、胃腸道出血、心搏過速 、頭暈、頭痛、昏厥

衛署藥輸字第 025648 號/健保碼 B025648100/健保價 98 元

懷孕用藥分級 C 級

2012 TSOC guideline和2012ESC STEMI guideline都強調:
並儘早開始Statin治療,LDL-C的控制目標為: 小於70 mg/dL.

2014年1月23日 星期四

打通PAOD tips

做PAOD常用single-plane X-ray,如果找不到stump or entry point,
可將single-plane X-ray打到垂直90度嘗試找。

2014年1月22日 星期三

Pulmonary embolism


CC: Chronic dyspnea for 2yrs
PE: Widely split S2accentuated P2borderline JVE
ECG: SR, tall R in V1, S1Q3T3
Echocardiogram: McConnell's Sign
( Akinesia of the mid-free wall but normal motion of the apex. A 77% sensitivity and a 94% specificity for the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism in the setting of right ventricular dysfunction)

Another echocardiographic finding of PE: 60/60 sign
(The “60/60” sign is defined 
as an acceleration time 60 milliseconds in the presence of a
tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient of < 60 mmHg.

The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and negative predictive value of the
60/60 sign in the diagnosis of acute PE was reported to be 25%,
94%, 90%, and 38% respectively.)

Typical PE finding of PE: widely split S2accentuated P2RV heaveparasternal S4high JVP

Q: acute PEchronic PE的差別?

2011年11月24日 星期四

[ECHO] TEE: 20 standard view

Virtual TEEStandard Views, Cardiac ... 

[CATH] FilterWire (Embolic Protection System ) for SVG PCI

FilterWire EZ™ Embolic Protection System for SVG's

FilterWire EZ Schematic

• The FilterWire EZ System Minimum Landing Zone (distal edge of lesion to loop apex):
   - 2.25mm - 3.5mm: ≥ 2.5cm
   - 3.5mm - 5.5mm: ≥ 3.0cm
  1. Radiopaque Spring Tip (2.0cm and 3.0cm, respectively)
  2. 110 Micron Pore Filter
  3. Radiopaque Nitinol Loop
  4. Spinner Tube
  5. Proximal Stop
  6. PTFE Coated Wire (.014")

Product Information

Built-in Versatility 
  • Dual-Indication Use – Approved for both saphenous vein graft (SVG) and carotid indications.
  • Simplified Filter Sizing – One product line provides coverage in vessels ranging between 2.25mm and 5.5mm for SVG procedures and between 3.5mm and 5.5mm for carotid procedures.
Clinically Effective 
  • The BLAZE and BLAZE II registries achieved a low 6.7% and 3.8% MACE rate, respectively, and confirmed the safety and performance of the FilterWire System in SVGs.*

  • 6F Guide Catheter Compatible
  • Catalog Numbers and Descriptions:
    • H749 20100-190 0 FilterWire EZ System 190cm
    • H749 20100-300 0 FilterWire EZ System 300cm
    • H749 50100-150 0 EZ Bent Tip Retrieval Sheath

New 2.25mm - 3.5mm device now available

  • H749 39071-190 0 FilterWire EZ System 2.25mm - 3.5mm, 190cm
  • H749 39071-300 0 FilterWire EZ System 2.25mm - 3.5mm, 300cm


Our case:


PCI for GSV atherosclerotic lesions
→ high risk of distal embolization and periprocedual MI
=>  Distal embolic protection devices (FilterWire)